Don’t Worry, Be Happy

In the opening lines to his 1988 hit song Don’t Worry, Be Happy, musician Bobby McFerrin sings “In every life we have some trouble. When you worry you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy.” It would be very easy to write off this simple, almost nonsensical song as trite or silly — especially the…

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Stop Saying You Don’t Have Enough Time

Whenever I ask someone what is stopping them from doing or going after something that is important to them — pursuing a big dream, starting a new business, writing a book, getting fit, traveling abroad — I usually get the same response: “I don’t have enough time.” This is often followed by the second most…

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Good Will Come From That

Recently, I made a proposal to my employer for a new program that could potentially reap huge rewards long term. I was very excited. I did a ton of research, consulted with industry experts, assembled the appropriate documentation, crafted a solid pitch, and set the meeting. I told a lot of people about my plan….

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Trust Your Feelings

In the final scene of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the rebel alliance launches an assault on the Death Star in an attempt to defeat the Empire. The hero, Luke Skywalker, pilots his X-wing fighter along a heavily fortified trench in search of a small exhaust port in which to fire his missiles….

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The Happiness of Pursuit

Most of us have heard that old adage that says, “Success is in the journey, not the destination” or something to that effect. We have a lot of cliches in our culture. And cliches become cliche for a reason: because they’re usually true. In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers of the United States…

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