Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain

In my teen years I was involved in the martial arts. I studied in a very traditional Okinawan Goju-ryu school in New Jersey. It was glorious. I loved the discipline and the ceremony of it all. My teacher tolerated no backtalk, complaining, or hazing. A wrinkled gi was not tolerated. You were expected to wash…

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The Ten Percent Solution

So many creatives and would-be entrepreneurs are on a seemingly endless quest to create something the world has never seen. And this can be a worthy pursuit. The downside, however, is this can create enormous pressure to deliver, resulting in performance anxiety and often, paradoxically, the opposite result of what we seek. Instead of innovating,…

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Is Your Creative House Divided?

In what is now known as the House Divided Speech, Abraham Lincoln stated that, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Although he was referring to the conflict surrounding slavery in the United States at that time, I think his statement holds true today in our personal and creative lives. Think of yourself as a…

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