The Power of Compounding Action

An elderly neighbor of mine who is an avid gardener is fond of saying, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.” Another saying I recently came across is “People commonly overestimate how far they can get in a year, but grossly…

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Everyone Should Create

In a recent Esquire interview, comedian and actor Ricky Gervais offered this simple gem: “You should bring something into the world that wasn’t in the world before. It doesn’t matter what that is. It doesn’t matter if it’s a table or a film or gardening—everyone should create. You should do something, then sit back and…

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How High Will You Fly?

This is the question Seth Godin asks in his latest book, The Icarus Deception. As the Greek myth goes, a young Icarus is given a pair of wax wings by his inventor father Daedalus with the express instruction to not fly too close to the sun. Our hero, of course, immediately flies towards the sun,…

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