Stop And Smell The Pine Trees

Busy, busy, busy. Seems everyone nowadays is busier than ever. Constantly running around, shuttling kids here and there, tweeting this, posting that. A distracted life that, if we’re not careful, can end up resembling what Shakespeare penned, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” I was almost that selfsame…

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Managing Expectations

One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself as a working professional is learning how to manage client expectations. Because few things cause as much grief, heartache, and lost productivity to your workday as a disappointed client on the rampage. Disappointment can be defined as expectations unfulfilled. The client thinks it is one…

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What Is Courage?

This past Sunday, I attended a class at my church. During the course of the lesson, the principle of courage was discussed. And as I sat there looking at the word, I had a cool “A-ha” moment. Thanks goes out to Mrs. Needham, my eleventh grade French teacher, for this insight. Courage. Cour-age. In my…

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