Breaking Surface

“Let no one keep you from your journey, no rabbi or priest, no mother who wants you to dig for treasures she misplaced, no father who won’t let one life be enough, no lover who measures their worth by what you might give up, no voice that tells you in the night it can’t be…

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Ask for What You Want

Most people are bad at asking for what they want. Instead of just saying what it is they really want, they beat around the bush. They hem and haw or skirt the issue. Perhaps they are afraid appearing demanding, or are desperate to avoid potential conflict. Whatever the reason, the end result is they don’t…

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Identify Your Single Most Effective Action

The Pareto Principle, or “80/20 Rule”, is a common term in the business and achievement worlds. Simply stated, 20% of efforts typically account for 80% of results. For example: 20% of our product line accounts for 80% of sales. Think Coke Classic and Diet Coke compared against Coke’s myriad flavor spinoffs. 20% of our focused work…

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What Are You Making?

There is an old story about a man who sees three stone cutters working in a rock quarry. To the first man he asks, “What are you making?” The man answers, “I’m making ten coppers a day.” He asks the same question to the second man. The man replies, “I’m making stones for a new cathedral.”…

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Why Hugh Jackman Inspires Me

Inspiration can come from many sources. It can come from books, poems, music, art, movies and more. But for most of us, we are best inspired by other people. When one human sees another human doing something great or powerful or moving, it stirs something inside and wakes us up to our own potential. So…

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